ch40 speaks of receiving freely from God including His grace so we are to freely give. How has grace caused you to freely give of yourself recently? (is the question).
In Psalm 103 King David wrote about thanking and praising God.
"all that is within me bless His holy name". He meant "I want to thank God with everything in me". The New Living translation says, "
with my whole heart".
I have said, "
with everything I have, and everything I am" this past week. My mother survived a serious motorcycle accident and is well on her way to recovery. With this extreme thanks I have for God, I have also been trying to (as in day 40 of the book study of "Jesus") "freely give as I have received" as much as I possibly could this past week. I am learning how God pulls together my life and my understanding of how He works, one step at a time. Is He working in her life here? It's hard to understand pain that is given to us but I also know it is never wasted as I have learned from my wonderful pastor friend. Sometimes it is to force us to rest, call out to Him, surrender the things we cannot control, finally let Him work in our life instead of working against Him.
"With the comfort I receive, I can comfort those in trouble". Our sufferings overflow but so does our comfort. We are distressed in order to have comfort and salvation which produces patience, endurance and perseverence. Mom, may you endure and find comfort and peace.
2cor.1:4 for more on comfort.
Into Scrap'n News,Issue#7 Is this months issue from Autumn's Love-My-Scrapbooking-Ideas. She included a few of my techniques and ideas for a Maine rocky coast beach lay-out.
I am unable to post the July or any of the newsletters but you can sign up to receive those e-mail on her site. Have Fun!!