Thank you so much Lynn for this wonderful award. It truely means so much to me!! Lynn creates beautiful scrapbook pages, just amazing details. Check out her charming touch at
http://beautifuldelightsblog.blogspot.com/ .
To pass on this award to your favorite blogs just:
1) Add a link and note of thanks to the person giving the award (which I would have done anyways)
2) Pass the award on to 15 bloggers whose blogs you have recently discovered that you love.
3) Share 7 things about yourself.
These are a handful of my favorite blogs to visit:
A Path To Spirit
Kids Napping? I'm Scrapping!
Charming Designs
Kissed by an Angel
Girls to Grow
Moms the Word
If I Could Set My Soul Free
Healing Expressions
Ilkas Attic
The Vintage Moth (free images)
Art From the Heart
1. I love finding blogger friends to trade how-to's and inspiration. I have never been one to share alot of my personal life but this is an opportunity to open up a bit. It has been a pleasure getting to know many of you!! I enjoy so many blogs, what I have listed are my absolute favorites plus some new friends I just found.
2. I traded: doing my friend's scrapbook for a really nice sewing machine. Not a bad deal. I have also been working on making more embellishments to put on my Etsy, like my clay faux seals and glass-like tags .
3. I am an ex-Harley rider as well as my hubby....best times of our lives!
4. My girls are 8 and 6. My 8yr old was diagnosed Type 1 diabetic at 5 1/2yrs old. That is why my clay wings on my sidebar were such a big deal for me. It is made with an insulin cartridge inside for the Bottle of Hope Challenge.
5. I am an Exercise Specialist and worked with Physical Therapists full-time until we decided it was time to be home with the babes. I am now one of the volunteer coordinators for the school events.
6. I have been involved with MOPS (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers) and a Christian book group/Bible study for about 6yrs. I grew up Catholic but for now, I claim to be "Christian".
7. Phew, one more...My hubby and I have been married for..what year is this...16yrs this summer!! And he was my one and only blind date. Although we only had the one date, we hooked up again years later. Funny!!
Here is my thought of the day taken from an interesting e-mail I recieved on forgiveness:
"The Greek word for “forgiveness” means “to send away.” I love that analogy. When my ruminations begin to boil over with a never-ending litany of wrongs suffered I purposely, consciously, “send away” the revenge my natural heart craves. And it’s a blessed relief.
Someone said that to bear a grudge is to drink poison hoping to kill someone else."
Thank you so much for the award!!! I'll try to get to my list this weekend. Love getting to know more about you!
Lisa!! Thank you, so very much, for the lovely award! You absolutely made my day. I'm definitely going to pass along this award; it's a wonderful way to spread the love :-) I so enjoy visiting your special place as well. Have a wonderful evening...Sheila
Thank you, Lisa. You are the sweetest! :)
I love your clay seals. I'm off to look more closely at them.
Congratulations for the award, really well deserved!! I loved learning more about you!! i loved the Greek Forgiveness meaning at the end too!! Thank you so much for passing the award on to me, I am delighted!
Thanks so much for giving me this award! It's much appreciated and I look forward to visiting some of the other bloggers on the list!
Have a wonderful Tuesday!
Thank you so much Lisa for thinking of me! What a beautiful award! BTW I love your newest faux seals...so lovely!
Thanks Lisa! It was nice learning things about you. I like the forgiveness meaning. Very nice!
Have a great day!
Thank you for sharing this with me. That's so sweet of you! I love that you and hubby used to ride Harleys! I have always been a little afraid of motorcycles.
I love the rose that you made, it's adorable!
~ Nan
THANKS for the award Lisa! Enjoy this beautiful day!
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